Monday, March 25, 2013

Climbing and the Environment

A bored hamster is a fat hamster.  Imagine you were put in a cage and had to live there for the rest of your life.  It would be very nice if the owner allowed you to get out once in a while or allowed you to have a change of scenery every now and then.

A good time for a change of scenery is when the cage has to be cleaned. The hamsters have to be put somewhere, one place to use is the tub in the bathroom.  Make sure the water drain is plugged first as you don't want your hamster exploring the drain.  Also, if you're living with others make sure they know that you're putting hamster(s) in the tub. After all you don't want anyone turning on the water while they are in there.

An empty tub can be quite boring to a hamster, placing things in the tub can make things more interesting. A towel is a good start as most tubs are cold. It allows the hamster(s) to stand on something a bit cozier. Other things like modular climbing sets, flying saucers, and hamster wheels are good.

There are a few items on the market that will allow you to make the hamster's climbing life more interesting.

Puzzle Playgrounds

The professor showcases the Puzzle Playground

The puzzle playground by Super Pet is a plastic made modular system that has compatible connectors to the Critter Trail and the Habitrail systems.  This is an ideal addition to cages that don't have a lot of space.  You can also use this outside the cage in a more open environment (eg. bath tub) to make the existing environment more interesting.

There are different versions available and you can buy them at or click here for the larger Super Pet Puzzle Playground, 60 Piece version.

Build and Chew

Peppy and the Professor climb the Build and Climb

The Build and Chew by Burgham takes up more space and may not be ideal for small cages however the plus side is that it's made of wood.  This means that it's chewable and environmentally sound. Also the design allows for multiple levels of hamster fun.

Build and Chew packaging

I picked up the Build and Chew at a Petsmart but I don't see them being advertised on the Petsmart web site so here's a link to Mr. Pet's another pet store online that carries the Build and Chew.

In a day and age where we have plastic floating around killing off animals (eg. birds, fish) it's important to choose the items we buy more carefully, Avoid plastics if we can and if we do use plastics make sure it's for long term use.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Cleaning House

I once attempted to clean a part of the cage while Captain Hill was sleeping in another section. Whoops! She woke up and started exploring.

Hamster Tip

When cleaning the hamster cage, especially if you own a habitrail or other cage of modular design, a good place to temporarily place a hamster is the bathtub. Make sure the tub is dry and place a towel in the tub so the hamster isn't sitting on a cold surface. Also, very important, make sure the tub is plugged. You don't want the hamster trying to explore the drain.

If you own other pets make sure they are locked outside of the bathroom. A hamster in a tub is an easy mark for a cat.

Monday, March 11, 2013

What's that smell?

Hamster Fact:

The hamster has a keen sense of smell. They also have terrible vision. With this combined set of characteristics it makes sense that hamsters will mark their territory to figure their way around. It's equivalent to Hansel and Gretal leaving a breadcrumb trail to make their way through the forest.

Hamster Tip

If a hamster cage is stinky. Do not immediately clean the cage as the hamster will think it needs to pee more in order for it's scent to linger around resulting in more stink. Also when cleaning cages try to use scent free soaps as the soap scent can be over powering.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Chew chew cha boggie

Hamster Fact:

Hamster teeth constantly grow. Hamsters have to wear down their teeth by nibbling things.

It's important to allow your hamster to have access to things to nibble on. I bought a loofah for Captain Hill that looked like a miniature corn and a pumice stone in the form of a gray cube for Peppy and the Professor.

The Corn Loofah

What? A loofah?

At first I thought these things were for the hamster to use while taking mini showers.  They are actually meant for chewing.  Captain Hill crawled up to the loofah and gave me this look (see photo) and never went near the loofah again. I would say that the loofah was a poor choice for hamster chewing. There may be hamsters out there that like chewing on loofahs, Captain Hill didn't seem to go for it.

The Pumice Cube

The Professor treats the cube as an obstacle.

The item that looks like a mini Borg space ship made of pumice rock was introduced into the living quarters of Peppy and The Professor.  I haven't seen them grinding their teeth on it or even try to nibble on it.  It serves more as a thing to stand on or an obstacle that takes up space and gets in the way.  This is another product I would not recommend for hamsters.

The hamster chews these

As luck would have it hamsters (at least my hamsters) have been found to like a few things that are readily available from the store.

The Snak Shak Taking the form of a tiki hut, the Snak shak is made of edible material. If you don't have enough space in your cage for a tikihut, superpet also makes bridges of various sizes and logs out of the same material. Captain Hill demolished a small bridge by nibbling it until there was nothing there.

Captain Hill chewing on the snak shak.

Wood Chews these come in a variety of shapes and colors from rolling dinosaurs, to watermelons, and flat discs. Captain Hill loved the dinosaur and would chew on it on a regular basis. I also used the dinosaur as a peanut butter dispenser when serving a special treat was required.

Prepare for chewing

Captain Hill loves the wooden dinosaur

Links to items mentioned