Captain Hill escapes
When I got my hamster from the pet store (
P.J.'s Pets) they put the hamster in a small cardboard box to make it easier to transport back home
On the way home the hamster had found a small opening. The hamster expanded the hole by nibbling the surrounding cardboard. It was because of this that I decided to call the hamster "Captain Hilts" after the
Steve McQueen character in "
The Great Escape".
Later on, shortly after arriving at home, I realized the hamster was female. Not that it really matters as Hilts is a last name but I altered the name (possibly for copyright reasons and) as a nod to my friend Hillary Martin who, like the hamster, seems to go off on the odd exciting adventures. And so Captain Hill was the official name.
In an internet world of a lot of cat and dog photos, this blog is dedicated to my pet hamsters, sharing knowledge about owning a hamster, and sharing photos and stories. I will attempt post once each week on Monday at 9:00am (Eastern Standard time). Stay tuned.
Let the adventures begin...